Trailer Spares - Wheels 12"

1 - 4 of 4
Brian James Trailer Wheel & tyre | 12" 155/70R12 | 5 Stud | 112mm PCD

Wheel and Tyre for Brian James A2 A4 C2 C4 trailers,155/70 R12 5 Stud 112mm PCD 67mm centre bore

Also fits the Race Transporter, Race Sport, and Hauler. Fits most 12inch Brian James trailers.

Fits most popular trailer/caravan wheels

Peak/Ifor Williams/Brian James/Horse Boxes

Ref: 155/70R12
Brand: Brian James Trailers
Brian James T4 & Cargo Connect trailer wheel & tyre | 12" | 195/60R12 | 5 stud

This wheel and tyres is design for use on Brian James T4 and Cargo Connect Trailers.

195/60R12 104/102N

5 Studs

Ref: 19560r12
Brand: Brian James Trailers
Brian James T4 & Cargo Connect trailer wheel & tyre PAIR | 12" | 195/60R12 | 5 stud

This wheel and tyre pair designed for use on Brian James T4 and Cargo Connect Trailers.

195/60R12 104/102N

5 Studs

Ref: 19560R12PAIR
Brand: Brian James Trailers
Ifor Williams Trailer Wheel & Tyre | 12" 155/70R12 | 5 Stud | 165.1mm (6.5") PCD

Ifor Williams Wheel & Tyre 155/70R/12 5 x M16 104 101N

PCD 6.5’ or 165.1mm. Bore 4.5’ 114.5 (100/98N) 5 Stud.

Same wheel and tyre used on other popular trailer manufacturers, Brenderup, Indespension, Bateson

Ref: 155/70R12IFOR
Brand: Maypole